Anthony Colannino Author
A delayed vocation to education, Anthony has taught, led, and consulted in schools for more than 20 years following a brief career in journalism. He’s witnessed firsthand the power of a kind word at the right time, the positive response when dignity is offered, and the difference educators can make in the lives of children. He is buoyed by the hope an effective education holds for all our students, which in turn improves schools, districts, communities, countries and the world.
When not writing he loves a great short story, skiing, and watching Thoroughbred horses run in circles. He lives with his wife, Kara, two children Joseph and Stella and their dog, Finley just north of Boston.

How It Began
As a teacher, leader and consultant, Anthony Colannino has worked in just about every school setting – rural and urban, affluent and impoverished, successful and struggling throughout the United States. He became an educator for one simple reason, to help his students become whatever they wanted. This has expanded to helping children and adults become their very best selves.
Anthony's education journey started as a fifth grade teacher in Boston’ Jamaica Plain neighborhood. All the students were poor, Black and Brown with high percentages of non-Native English speakers. No matter, he told them that he wanted to give them something to help them become happy, healthy and successful people. He told them we might have the chef that cooks our meal, a mechanic that fixes our car, a writer that moves us or the doctor that will someday cure cancer.
Almost 20 years after he started teaching, he found some of his first students and among them he found a soloist in the Boston Ballet, a mentor for first generation college students, a lawyer and medical student!
Anthony Colannino, Keynote Speaker & Leadership Coach

“I hope that you can work with Cincinnati Public Schools again this year. Your work is very important and has had an impact on my staff. We aren't there yet but we will get there!”
Monica Battle
Principal College Hill Fundamental Academy CPS
“Thank you again for coming to Arizona to present to the administrators and teacher leaders last Wednesday morning. Your presentation was just what we needed – a practical, common sense, experience based approach to implementing the concepts of Growth Mindset in our schools.”
Dr. Steve Nance
Assistant Superintendent, Scottsdale Unified School District
"I love that the speaker gave relevant examples from real life. I left with ideas that I can apply to my job immediately, but I also gathered information that I can apply to my personal life, including helping my sons as they learn new things."
Participant Feedback from
Virtual Keynote Address
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