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Online Book Study

Companion course with eight modules for individuals and/or teams

125 US dollars
Online line course

Available spots

Service Description

School Districts reading Leading with Head and Heart are encouraged to further their learning through their own private, asynchronous virtual book study. Individual leaders may join a cohort of job alikes from across the country/world to discuss, share and learn while reading the book on their own. In each of eight learning modules, leaders from building level to superintendent will have an opportunity to read and respond to a blog, video and suggested activities tied to each chapter. Blogs are offered as an extension of what was read and will ask reflective questions. Leaders are then encouraged to either post a response in order to spur further discussion or reply to one of their colleagues thoughts. Following the blog, a 10-20 minute video highlighting a leader from each chapter can be viewed. Again, reflective questions follow the video in hopes of sparking further dialogue and ideas amongst the leadership group. Finally, a list of suggested activities will be offered - from videos related to the topic to introducing changes in school district culture. Administrators will learn from their own individual attempts, as well as hearing from their leadership cohorts successes and failures in the final comment forum. This interactive book study was created with busy and sometimes overwhelmed leaders in mind. Leaders can complete the study at their own pace, place and path, which provides a format for greater ownership of their learning. In doing so, there is a greater opportunity for growth from individuals to entire school districts.

Contact Details


68 Tewksbury Street, Andover, MA, USA

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